Nucleic Acid: The Major Functions
The nucleic acids are crucial to large biological molecules of all that is living. The nucleic acids are divided into RNA and DNA. They are the key element of the living organisms. They can be found in most of the living cells. The nucleic acids are also known to be biopolymers while the monomers are called nucleotides.
Essential functions of nucleic acids are as follows –
- Stores and transfers genetic data
- Directing the fusion of new protein based on genetic information
- DNA functions as the storage for genetic data inside the cells
- Fusion of RNA inside the cell is regulated by DNA
- All the genetic data goes through DNA to the protein synthesizers inside cells
How Enzymes Work Exploring Structure, Classification, and Function
1. Oxidoreductases: Oxidoreductases catalyze some reactions that are related to the reduction of oxidation. Most used names are catalase, oxidase, dehydrogenase, and oxidase.
2. Transferases: Transferases catalyze relocations of groups such as phosphate, acetyl, and methyl. Most common names include polymerase, acetyltransferase, protein kinase and methylase. The last three subclasses the primary roles in the regulation of the cellular process. The polymerase is essential when it comes to the synthesis of RNA and DNA.
3. Hydrolases: Hydrolases catalyze reactions directly related to hydrolysis. Here a molecule is parted in two or more molecules by the adding water.
4. Lyases: Lyases catalyze the cleavage of C-N, C –C, C –O bonds through other ways than oxidation and hydrolysis. Most used names include aldolase and decarboxylase.
5. Isomerases : Isomerases catalyze the atomic reshuffles inside the molecule itself. Most common examples include racemase and protein disulfide isomerase (PDI).
6. Ligases: Ligases catalyze the reaction that joins two molecules, examples – RNA ligase, peptide synthase, and DNA ligase and aminoacyl-tRNA synthases.
How to Pick the Best Work and Activities for the AMCAS Application?
This reference is priceless, and you will realize its importance while filling up the AMCAS application.
An applicant can include up to three experiences in the work and activities section of the application. He/she must choose the most meaningful experiences that will go with the profession. They should include the experiences that affected them the most. So, take time and think about the experiences carefully. If you have a journal, it will help you write the detailed description of your experiences quickly and more correctly.
How To Apply and Get Into For Medical School?
Find the basic requirements and information for how to get into medical school and how to apply for it. For more information feel free to contact us.
How to Decide How Many Medical Schools to Apply For?
Finally, you can also consider applying to public medical schools, especially in your home state (regardless of the tier). In this way, you can get admission into your dream medical school. Use this med school search engine.
Different Strategies for Improving The Score of CARs Section
One of the most challenging sections for all pre-med students is the MCAT’s Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) section. Typically, almost all students have read the basic scientific concepts, but they are not used to study the cold-hard facts of critical analysis and reasoning section. With that said, many students wish to improve their score in this section
3. Don’t move through materials too quickly
Some students have a knack for going through the materials too quickly, especially this section. On top of it, many tried to answer the questions by a guess. This is not a good way to answer the questions. The reason is you could miss critical information if you just fly through the materials. So, you should remember the following advice –
- Take 5 seconds to think to understand the contents of the passage.
- After reading a paragraph, take at least two seconds to figure out what the paragraph is describing.
- Repeat this strategy for every paragraph.
- Again, take at least five seconds to find out - what are you asked to write.
- Repeat this for every question you answer.
Best materials for improving MCAT Biology and Biochemistry section
- Biologically Important Molecules
- Biochemistry
- Molecular Biology
- Microbiology
- Eukaryotic Cells
- Genetics and Evolution
- The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
- The Circulatory, Lymphatic, and Immune Systems
- The Excretory and Digestive Systems
- The Muscular and Skeletal Systems
- The Respiratory System and the Skin
- The Reproductive Systems
Resources to use:
1. Typical MCAT Test Prep Resources
Best Materials for Preparing for the MCAT Psychology and Sociology Section
- Psychology and Sociology Strategy for the MCAT
- Interacting with the Environment
- Biological Foundations of Behavior
- Personality, Motivation, Attitudes, and Psychological Disorders
- Self-Identity and Group Identity
- Social Structure, Learning, Memory, and Behavior
So what companies have the best materials?
1. Next Step
3. Kaplan
4. Examkrackers
6. Psyc/Soc Quizlet (Created by our founder)
7. Any Sociology or Psychology Tests You Can Find
How to Stay Motivated For The MCAT
If there is, one thing that is most common among pre-med students is that they find it hard to keep themselves motivated for the MCAT. Burning out during MCAT prep is common. This issue can bring negative consequences on their career, in particular on the MCAT test result. This is why we are going to give you some effective tips to keep yourself motivated. Let’s figure out how to stay motivated for the mcat with tips from our private mcat tutor (one of the best mcat tutor in San Diego, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York.
What to eat during MCAT Prep
Pre-meds students wanting to pass the MCAT exam must prepare themselves in the best possible way. This preparation process includes a healthy eating habit with proper sleep. Most of the students do not know about this fact. Nevertheless, they are unaware of the fact that MCAT exam takes a heavy toll on the body. Thus, all students should eat foods that are not contagious. So, let us find out what you should eat during MCAT prep.
Five Effective Strategies to raise your MCAT score
You should consider sticking to the AAMC test materials, which are the best and most efficient study materials for MCAT exam. You can also go for TBR, EK, TPR, Kaplan, Arco, and GS. However, make sure to go through the AAMC test materials first before going through the others.
Should I Get An MCAT Tutor?
If you hire a MCAT tutor, you can create a personalized study plan for the preparation. The thing is a MCAT tutor knows how to utilize every time before the exam. This is why he or she can help you in managing all your work including studying, job, and extracurricular activities. -MCAT Tutoring.
Tips For The Actual MCAT Test Day
Preparing for Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is not an easy thing to do. In fact, it can be a daunting task for many students. However, the students can still be successful if they prepare themselves smartly. So, in this post, we are going to share the useful MCAT tips that are vital for preparing for the exam. Here are the useful tips that will make your study experience more manageable.
What Is The MCAT?
Okay, but what is it really? Well for an average premed, it is the second most important exam of your life (first is you end up not doing well, second if you go to med school and preparing for USMLE. You will spend about 7.5 hours sitting and 6.25 hours thinking super hard. The score you get is determined by percentiles (find here) and allows medical schools (and some other schools) to compare you with other students regardless of any other factor. It is like your golden ticket to the Willy Wonka factory. You can use it to open the gates, but that doesn't always let you stay. In order to impress Willy Wonka (ie your dream med school) you need to get a 507+ or 85th percentile. IE you need to be in the best 15% of test takers (~10,000 a year).
-Axilogy MCAT Tutor
What Does A 528 Really Mean?
Axilogy supports premedical students through informative MCAT prep blogs. Preparing for the MCAT is a battle on it's own! We hope our MCAT tips and prep will help you reach 515 (95th percentile) or higher on the MCAT! Our MCAT tutoring services provide students the ability to sit down and study without having to worry about what to study for the mcat, what materials to buy for the mcat, what practice tests to use for the mcat, or any of the other mcat-related content!
Are My Practice MCAT Test Scores Good Enough?
Axilogy supports premedical students through informative MCAT prep blogs. Preparing for the MCAT is a battle on it's own! We hope our MCAT tips and prep will help you reach 515 (95th percentile) or higher on the MCAT! Our MCAT tutoring services provide students the ability to sit down and study without having to worry about what to study for the mcat, what materials to buy for the mcat, what practice tests to use for the mcat, or any of the other mcat-related content!