How to Pick the Best Work and Activities for the AMCAS Application?

This reference is priceless, and you will realize its importance while filling up the AMCAS application.

An applicant can include up to three experiences in the work and activities section of the application. He/she must choose the most meaningful experiences that will go with the profession. They should include the experiences that affected them the most. So, take time and think about the experiences carefully. If you have a journal, it will help you write the detailed description of your experiences quickly and more correctly.

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Different Strategies for Improving The Score of CARs Section

One of the most challenging sections for all pre-med students is the MCAT’s Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills (CARS) section. Typically, almost all students have read the basic scientific concepts, but they are not used to study the cold-hard facts of critical analysis and reasoning section. With that said, many students wish to improve their score in this section

3. Don’t move through materials too quickly

Some students have a knack for going through the materials too quickly, especially this section. On top of it, many tried to answer the questions by a guess. This is not a good way to answer the questions. The reason is you could miss critical information if you just fly through the materials. So, you should remember the following advice –

  • Take 5 seconds to think to understand the contents of the passage.
  • After reading a paragraph, take at least two seconds to figure out what the paragraph is describing.
  • Repeat this strategy for every paragraph.
  • Again, take at least five seconds to find out - what are you asked to write.
  • Repeat this for every question you answer.
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Best materials for improving MCAT Biology and Biochemistry section

  • Biologically Important Molecules
  • Biochemistry
  • Molecular Biology
  • Microbiology
  • Eukaryotic Cells
  • Genetics and Evolution
  • The Nervous and Endocrine Systems
  • The Circulatory, Lymphatic, and Immune Systems
  • The Excretory and Digestive Systems
  • The Muscular and Skeletal Systems
  • The Respiratory System and the Skin
  • The Reproductive Systems

Resources to use:

1. Typical MCAT Test Prep Resources

2. 5000 MCQ Biochem WB 

3. Research Articles in Biochem

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