Best Materials For Improving Physics and Chemistry section

Welcome To Physics On The MCATWelcome To Physics On The MCAT

Welcome To Physics On The MCAT

There has been an introduction of three more additional semesters worth of materials with advanced and critical topics. The duration of the exam has become longer than usual. On top of it, several new concepts have been included in the syllabus as well.

Due to these facts, the students have to be more diligent in preparing for MCAT exam. In fact, they need to use sophisticated materials for preparation. In that regard, this post will enlighten all pre-med students about improving the score on Physics and Chemistry section. So, let’s find out which materials would be useful for them!

(If 6-12 months early, rewatch lecture series for physics and gen chem along with MCQ for physics and gen chem finals)

Don't let this be youDon't let this be you

Don't let this be you

1. TBR Physics, TBR Gen Chem, TBR O Chem

You're welcome in advance, these books are live savers REGARDLESS OF IF THEY ARE UPDATED (the update changed barely anything, just a new test at the end of biology and a few things)

2. EK 1001 Physics, Gen Chem, O Chem

3. Sterling Physics, Gen Chem, O Chem Practice Tests (Online)

4. Kaplan MCAT Quizlet Flashcards for Physics, Gen Chem, and OChem Books (in MCQ test taking mode)

5. General MCAT Quizlet Flashcards (in MCQ test taking mode)

6. Research articles in Physics, Gen Chem, and OChem

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